Talent Discovery and Development Seminar& Pizza Lunch

Talent Discovery and Development Seminar& Pizza Lunch

Cassie Breeggemann of Contagious Connections, 1-hour FREE workshop FIND YOUR TALENT: Unlock Your Superstar Potential!
In this session, you will discover how to:
• Find out exactly what your Top 5 Talents are
• Learn proven strategies to exponentially develop your natural talents
• Use your talents to create the impact you have always desired.
• Feel confident in your unique talents to feel fulfilled and content for the rest of your life.
Register Here!

Adicionar ao calendário 07-21-2016 12:00:00 07-21-2016 13:00:00 Talent Discovery and Development Seminar& Pizza Lunch Learn what your unique skills are and how to develop them. + Pizza Lunch! 28 2nd Street, 3rd Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 NextSpace San Francisco false MM-dd-YYYY